We designed the new official website of Amnesty International Italia: simplifying and optimizing to better tackle global injustices.


Since 1961 Amnesty International works to protect human rights and demands justice for those whose rights have been violated. We worked with Amnesty International Italy to redesign their website: our main challenge was to simplify the user experience and optimize the information structure. Thanks to the integration of campaigning, lead generation and fundraising activities, users are now smoothly guided to take action in some of the most important fights of our times.


Who is the user of Amnesty International Italia website and what does she/he look for? Answering such questions was the first step towards a redesign of the user experience. Through an accurate user research based on a poll and several tests, we were able to identify scenarios and personas, define high-priority activities and effectively meet the user’s needs.


Amnesty International website is a multi-layered environment that allows different actions and offers a wide variety of information. We simplified the user flow by reducing first-level pages and optimizing the organization of second-level and additional pages. Thanks to internal shortcuts and the search function users can easily move from information to action.


Moving from the idea that today web users are multi-screen users, we designed a unified experience, which provides a coherent passage from one device to another: you can start a session on your desktop computer and complete it from mobile. We implemented the signing-up flow with specific features, such as the recognition of the user and his/her previous actions.  


Amnesty International Italia is a dynamic website that needs to be frequently updated: new actions, campaigns and petitions are the main tools to fight for human rights. We designed a flexible and maintainable interface based on customizable templates, which can easily be adjusted to any specific situation.  

I really want to reiterate how pleased we are: the new amnesty.it website was welcomed with extreme enthusiasm and it has been launched a day ahead of schedule.

Valerio Palumbo - Head of digital unit Amnesty International Italia