A website to promote Italy’s heritage and the activity of FAI volunteers abroad.

FAI International is the division of Fondo Ambiente Italiano that supports Italy’s cultural heritage abroad. We were asked to create a website that could communicate the unique mission of the foundation and uniformly share contents from the different national groups of volunteers (France, UK, US, Swiss, and more to come). Working on both the back-end and the front-end, we designed an optimized information architecture, available in several languages, which smoothly guides users through FAI International activities and opportunities. Everyone can be the ambassador of Italian beauty in the world.
From the main landing page, designed to welcome the visitor, users are invited to explore the vertical layers which correspond to the national websites, as well as the different calls to action, such as become a member, donate, join us. The vertical structure ensures a clear and simple navigation and progressively involves the user in the vast and diverse world of FAI.

With its elegant and evocative aesthetics, the graphic layout enhances the easy navigation and emphasizes the official and coherent image of the foundation. It answers the need for a unique and solid image of FAI, apt to be shared through its different national groups.

In order to facilitate the use of the websites by FAI volunteers worldwide, who do not have professional technical skills, we chose WordPress as CMS. We developed a multisites network which ensures an integrated and centralized management and maximum graphical coherence, without compromising the independent organization of content. Besides a common set of functions, we selected a range of sections that can be activated according to specific national group’s requests.

We implemented the subscription and the donation forms with customizable options available for each specific national site. We chose Woocommerce to manage and optimize the membership and donation process, so that every step is handled through the website: both the user and the admin do not have to involve other systems and all the processed data are already in one place.