A multichannel campaign about transparency during the 2018 Italian political elections.

Our challenge was to create a multichannel campaign addressed to young Italian electors and aimed to raise awareness about the need for transparency during elections. For this reason, we produced a website, an animated video and a radio spot.
The platform allows users to easily retrieve information about candidates, including their CVs, criminal records, potential conflicts of interests, tax returns, and political donations, to ensure that voters can make informed choices about who to vote for. On the platform, we implemented a petition form to ask Italian candidates – once they are elected – to make disclosing the above information mandatory for all future elections.
To reach younger Italian electors we combined Above The Line and digital media. The animated video and the radio spot use a funny and engaging tone and were broadcasted on major Italian radio stations and Spotify. We also designed a platform to gather information about Italian candidates and to update citizens about them during the 2018 Italian political elections.

The Radio Spot
The video
The website is a tool designed to put pressure on candidates and ask them to publicly post their resumes and certify their political activity. Users are involved in a smooth and consistent flow that leads them to get informed and take action. The more users go deep in the site, the more information they get, such as participating candidates, an interactive map, and updated blog articles. This provides users with enough information to get consciously involved and sign the petition. As the page scrolls down, the petition button continues to pop up as a floating call to action.