With €350 billion for the period 2007-2013, the EU’s Cohesion Policy is a formidable investment tool for promoting regional development across the 27 Member States. While the EU is misguided in many of the projects it supports, through investments promoting fossil fuels, carbon-intensive projects or the destruction of nature, sometimes it does get it right.
For the 2014-2020 period a budget of over a trillion euro is under negotiation, a third of which should be invested in regional policy. This map offers excellent examples from across the EU of projects that must become the benchmark for future Cohesion Policy.

The website displays some of the best-practice Cohesion Policy investments in infrastructure projects that have been realized recently. They all have been tailored towards social and environmental ends in order to ensure direct benefits for the designated region or community.
Latte Creative produced a rich infographic with details of the main European projects in ten areas.
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The European Policy Office contributes to the achievement of WWF’s global mission by leading the WWF network to shape EU policies impacting on the European and global environment.
CEE Bankwatch Network
Bankwatch’s mission is to prevent the environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international financial institutions and EU funding, and to promote alternative solutions and public participation.
Friends of the Earth Europe
Friends of the Earth Europe campaigns for sustainable and just societies and for the protection of the environment; it unites 30 national groups with thousands of local groups and is part of the world’s largest grassroots environmental network: Friends of the Earth International.