Federation of Young European Greens Website
We collaborated with Federation of Young European Greens to redesign their website to provide convenient interaction between them and those who follow their politics and the actions of the official youth wing of the European Green Party (EGP).

The Client
Federation of Young European Greens is the European umbrella organization for Young Green organizations from all over the continent, consists of 42 member organizations, from local ecological groups to student unions, youth wings of Green parties to Green Youth NGOs.
Federation of Young European Greens was in need of a young and fresh re-design for their website. The main aim was to inform and keep visitors updated about their various activities, events and news.
We developed this website in Drupal.
Our Work
We designed different feeds on the homepage and icons to represent feeds to catch the users attention and inform the visitors.
Our goal was to communicate the multimedia content effectively and comprehensibly. We preferred responsive approach, in order to provide the best user experience for desktop and mobile devices.